Six Mistakes To Avoid When You Meet With Your Real Estate Attorney


Planning out your meeting with your real estate attorney carefully and doing everything you need to do in order to prepare is important. Mistakes you make during meetings with your real estate attorney can set you back when it comes to making progress with your legal issues. The following are six mistakes to avoid when you meet with your real estate attorney.  Failing to bring along all the paperwork you need

27 October 2021

4 Questions About Getting Divorced and Dealing With Tax Credits


It can be incredibly challenging to go through a divorce in general, but it becomes much more complicated when you have children involved. In addition to figuring things out how you will handle custody and child support payments, there will be big changes to how divorce and custody impact your taxes. Here are a few key things that you need to know if you're going through the divorce process with children.

10 September 2021

Making a Revocable Living Trust? Follow These 3 Tips


Have you decided that you want to handle your estate planning with a revocable living trust? If so, you'll want to follow these tips so that you can avoid making any mistakes. Have Other Ancillary Documents in Place Know that your revocable living trust is not the only thing that you need in place for proper estate planning. Other ancillary documents will be necessary to form the complete picture necessary so that everything is in place.

30 July 2021

Personal Injury Cases: Factors That Will Determine the Duration of Your Lawsuit


Getting compensation for personal injuries can be easy and less time-consuming if the person who caused the accident accepts responsibility. However, if the person does not own up, you might want to seek an alternative strategy to seek justice. One of them is through the court of law, where the judge will examine the evidence you present in court to determine whether you deserve compensation. Each personal injury case is different.

15 June 2021

Why You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer


If you sustain severe injuries from an accident caused by another driver's negligence, you're entitled to receive compensation to cover your medical expenses. But, the process of making that claim can be quite complicated and tiring. During such a time, you're overwhelmed by the trauma, the insurance claims, and the medical bills, and you're also trying to overcome your injuries. These problems can be too much to handle, and as such, you need a personal injury lawyer to guide you through the process.

5 March 2021

Reasons Why Parental Rights Are Terminated


After a divorce, you may be given partial or even full custody of your child. However, the courts are concerned with the best interests of your child and there are some circumstances where your rights as a parent might be terminated. When this happens, your child may end up living with your ex-spouse and you may even be unable to see your child. There are several mistakes you can make that would lead to your parental rights being terminated.

13 October 2020

Private Swimming Pool Injuries: What You Should Know


Private swimming pools can be a great source of exercise and fun for the entire family. However, it is not uncommon for the family to have guests over. In the event that a guest comes over, gets into the pool, and sustains an injury, as the home and pool owner, you could be held liable for the damages. At the same time, if you are a guest that has suffered an injury while at a friend's house, it is possible to hold them responsible for your injuries and the costs associated with said injury.

1 June 2020

Got a DUI? Why You Should Hire a DUI Attorney


If you were pulled over while intoxicated and charged with a DUI, this is a serious offense. This is especially true if you have had more than one DUI. One thing you should do is to hire a DUI attorney to help you with your case, then get the help that you need to address alcohol addiction so you won't drive while intoxicated again. Below are three reasons you should hire this attorney to help you.

14 November 2019

Top Mistakes To Avoid When Filing For Workers' Compensation


There's not much scarier than getting injured while at work. If this is a severe injury, it will take time to heal and you may miss a great deal of time on the job. Paying additional medical bills and losing income is a terrible combination. However, you can file for worker's compensation and work to have these losses repaid to you in time. There are many mistakes you'll want to avoid to ensure that you get the money you need.

16 July 2019

What to Do When the Accident Adjuster Calls


Even minor car accidents can affect victims in many ways. Some accidents leave victims with serious injuries and impact their lives for some time to come. Recovering means moving forward after an accident so you might be pleased to mark off one task soon after the wreck—speaking to the insurance adjuster. Unfortunately, this action may not lead directly to compensation for the accident. Read on to find out why you should use caution when speaking to the other side after an accident.

14 June 2019