Got a DUI? Why You Should Hire a DUI Attorney


If you were pulled over while intoxicated and charged with a DUI, this is a serious offense. This is especially true if you have had more than one DUI. One thing you should do is to hire a DUI attorney to help you with your case, then get the help that you need to address alcohol addiction so you won't drive while intoxicated again. Below are three reasons you should hire this attorney to help you.

Protect Your Rights

One of the main benefits of hiring a DUI attorney is they can protect your rights. If you are questioned by the police, you should not answer any questions until your DUI attorney arrives. The police cannot make you answer any questions. Simply tell them you want your attorney present. 

The DUI attorney will also help you find witnesses to testify if your case goes to court. This may be because the officers did not do a sobriety test or a breathalyzer and you do not feel like you were intoxicated. These witnesses could help as they could tell the court that you do not drink. The attorney will also allow you to speak with witnesses that may be speaking against you. The DUI attorney will be the person that confronts these people during the trial, however. If you lose your case in court, your DUI attorney can help you set up an appeal. This is done to remove the conviction and get you out of jail. 

Have Charges Reduced or Dropped

Your lawyer will try to get your charges reduced or even dropped. If this is the first DUI you have ever had, the attorney can help you get less jail time. The average jail time you will receive for a first DUI offense will depend on the state that you live in. This could be six months or a year or more. If you do go to jail and this is your first offense, your DUI attorney can try to get you into a work program. This will allow you to go to work during the day and then return to jail at a certain time each night. 

Talk with a DUI attorney in your area as soon as you can after you are arrested to ensure that you are protected from the beginning. The DUI attorney can also go into much more details on how they can help you with your case. Learn more by visiting websites like


14 November 2019

do you really need an attorney?

There are so many legal situations that you can find yourself involved with, but do those situations really require that you hire an attorney? Some instances you may not need an attorney working with you, but in other situations, an attorney is definitely a necessity. This blog contains tips and advice for working through the different elements of the legal system. You will find information that can help you determine if/when you need to hire an attorney to represent your best interests. Knowing this information can help you avoid the costly mistake of taking on the legal system without someone who knows how the system works.