
Why You Should Limit What You Say To An Insurance Provider After A Car Accident


After you have been involved in a car accident involving another motorist, their auto insurance provider will likely want to talk to you and will have an insurance adjuster contact you. The adjuster will likely be very friendly. However, they are almost never looking out for your best interests. How you handle this conversation can affect your auto accident claim.  Talking to the Insurance Provider of the Other Motorist Make sure to remain calm and focus only on the facts and what can be proven after the accident.

8 December 2022

Taking Action Against Deep-Pocket Companies


Accidents can happen to anyone at any time. However, if you have been harmed by another driver, that other driver matters a lot. While you hope the other driver has auto insurance, you might have been hit by a driver using a company vehicle. Dealing with commercial interests presents victims with both challenges and opportunities. To find out more, read on. Who Is to Blame for the Accident? If the other driver that ran into you was at fault, you are probably owed compensation.

27 October 2022

Protect Your Nursing License: Practical Measures


As a nurse, you play a prominent role in both the experience and level of care that each patient receives. Not only are nurses expected to ensure each person has a good experience, but also that the highest standards of safety and ethics are followed. When these goals are not the focus, a nursing professional may be at risk of losing their license by way of a suspension or full revocation.

28 September 2022

4 Challenges Faced In Child Custody Cases


Divorce usually takes a financial toll on the parents and affects the children emotionally. However, child custody cases are more emotional and complex. In numerous situations, parents get unexpected outcomes, and it gets hard to come to terms with some crucial aspects of the agreement. Therefore, to ensure you are ready, engage a child custody lawyer. The following are some issues you must address during the hearing without making your child feel bad about your verdict.

10 August 2022

SSDI Denial Reasons And What To Do


If you are not able to work at your job anymore, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a good way to help fill in the gap of missing income. However, many workers don't get approved for benefits for various reasons. Some denial issues come up again and again. Find out more by reading below. Verify Your Work History The SSA requires a work history of a certain amount of income within a given time.

14 July 2022

SSDI Denied? Take The Right Action Now


It's common for many Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claimants to end up with a denial in the mail after waiting months for an answer. The Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn't make it easy for those unable to work at their job because of medical conditions to gain the benefits they deserve. When the denial comes, the actions claimants take can make or break their ability to get the benefits they need.

17 May 2022

When To Consider Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer To Help You


Many people find themselves in a situation that they didn't cause but now have to deal with. In some cases, an accident or injury can change your entire life, causing unexpected medical expenses or an inability to work for years. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is an option for getting the financial and legal help needed. Medical Bills And Expenses For anyone involved in some accident or incident that causes an injury, medical treatment for the injury can be expensive if you are without medical insurance.

1 April 2022

Exploring The Different Types Of Field Sobriety Tests


If a police officer pulls you over on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), they may ask you to take a field sobriety test. These tests help the officer determine whether you're intoxicated or not. Take a look at the different types of field sobriety tests and what could happen if you fail your test. The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) Test  The HGN test measures the involuntary movement of your eyeballs.

1 March 2022

Probate Lawyers: Their Role After A Loved One's Death


Very few people consider the role of a probate lawyer until they are facing the death of a loved one. To learn more about what to expect when a loved one passes away, read on. Filing the Will  If your loved one left a will, a probate lawyer will file the will for you in probate court. Probate lawyers can answer your loved ones' questions about the probate process and what to expect in terms of time, debts, and assets of the deceased.

20 January 2022

Don't Let Investments Complicate Your Divorce


About half of the American population holds stocks which might become a relevant factor if you are going through a divorce and are dividing up your assets. These stocks might come from a retirement account or you might have purchased them on your own. However, the more complex the investments, the more help you will need from a divorce attorney when dividing your assets. Separate Vs. Marital Property One of the questions you must answer is whether the investments will be considered separate or marital property.

1 December 2021